No such luck. So I continued on driving through Lamaline. I noticed a man walking along the left side of the road and all of a sudden a little Beagle cross ran up over the right side of the road in front of me.

I slammed on the brakes so hard I know the back of the Sportage must have come up off the pavement. Luckily the dog was unscathed, I think that I gave myself whiplash and an almost heart attack. Finally I reached Fortune and pulled into the gas station and FILLED UP my tank.
After my training session, I took a little side trip to the local thrift store and snagged this red and black houndstooth jacket
On the way home I stopped in to see Anne http://annesoriginalhookedrugs.blogspot.com/ to drop off some fodge I had for her. We had a lovely visit and a cup of tea and I went home with this
A dozen delicious farm fresh eggs. Thanks Anne.