Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Stormyyyyyyy Weather

The storm has started. Too dark outside to take a picture, but you know what, you all know what a winter storm looks like anyway right. The wind is supposed to pick up considerably. Hope I get a snow day tomorrow, but then I hope it clears up before 7pm. I have a hookin at my house and have 3 new hookers coming, and 4 old hookers, lol. Should be fun. Will post some pics if the weather settles for them all to show up. Wish me luck.



  1. We got lots of snow but no wind so the snow is piled next chore is clearing my rather LARGE driveway... :-( its good exercise..but in my opinion there are better ways to get a workout!
    Hope your hookin goes ahead...our group was suppose to meet today as well....we'll see...
    Happy Hooking

  2. I hope all your hookers arrive safe and on schedule. We got dumped pretty good last night but at least it wasn't followed by rain so it wasn't that heavy to shovel.
